Tuesday, 15 September 2015

After school

My nana picked me and my brother and my sister up after school she picked us up because my mum did p.m.p. And she had Sid at home. And she was very busy and it was Sids birthday.my nana gave him a card that had forty dollars. And he was so so happy. And my nana made a fish pie for as she made it because my dad really really likes it.😍🐢🐱🐭🐰

Sunday, 13 September 2015

the puriri moth

today jaram brang a puriri moth  the puriri moth is camouflage  the puriri moth was gigantic.
It had black dots on its back.
Its eyes looked a little bit big.
It's tail was long and it had little soft spikes on its tail too.

The puriri moth was fun. Image result for puriri moth

Wednesday, 2 September 2015


Me and my mum went on a train and the train went
 chugga-chugga choo choo.πŸš‚

Vroom went the car.🚘

The fizzy drink went fizz.1⃣2⃣3⃣

When I went to bed and it was the morning I heard a rooster go cock-a-doodle-doo.πŸ”

When I put a piece of grass up my nose I sneezed achoo.πŸ€

When I went to school I pulled my zip up.πŸ‘†